Thursday, August 26, 2010

Barack Obama

Barack Obama Biography

Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He spent two years at Occidental College before he transferred to Columbia University. He majored in political science with an emphasis on international relations. After he graduated, he spent a year working at Business International, which is a newsletter publisher. Then he moved to Chicago where he was a community organizer on the south side. That was when he joined the Trinity United Church of Christ.
He went to Harvard University to study law. While he was there, he was elected Harvard's first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated from Harvard with the distinction magna cum laude. After he got his degree, he returned to Chicago and got about a hundred thousand people registered to vote for the 1992 general election. He helped in getting Bill Clinton elected. Also, he helped to get Senator Carol Moseley Braun, who was the first African-American woman elected into the US Senate. He joined a civil rights firm and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago.

In 1996, Barack was elected to the Illinois State Senate. He was the chairman of the Public Health and Welfare Committee. That was when the Democrats got control of the chamber. He was regarded as the "most liberal" member of the Senate for his decisions, or lack thereof. Even though he was a liberal senator, he was known as a "bipartisan dealmaker". He also pushed for a form of universal healthcare. There are about 47 million Americans without healthcare and Barack's plan should lower that number dramatically. He also pushed forth legislation to fund AIDS research and prevention programs.

Barack has not always been successful in his political life. He was unsuccessful in Illinois' 1st Congressional District Democratic primary against Bobby Rush, the incumbent. Barack was thrust into the national spotlight thanks to John Kerry, the Democratic Nominee in 2004. He gave Barack a slot to speak and a star was born.

In 2005, Barack was listed as one of the top 100 most influential people in the whole world. In 2004, Barack ran for a US Senate seat. Obama went up against Jack Ryan but Ryan had to drop out. Alan Keyes was then chosen as Barack's new opponent. Obama won handily in the general election and received 70% to Keyes's 27%. When Barack was sworn in on January 4, 2005, he ranked next to last in terms of seniority. Obama had some official business to take care of when he got to the Senate. He had to decline to be the Senate co-sponsor of questioning Ohio's Electoral College votes after the 2004 election was over.

He came into the senate with a plan that greatly mirrored Hillary Clinton's. His plan stated that he wanted to focus on improving Illinois, his home state. He held 39 town hall meetings. Barack had to speak up sooner than he would have liked when Hurricane Katrina hit. On February 10, 2007 in Springfield, IL, Barack announced that he would seek the presidency in 2008, after saying previously that he wouldn't do such a thing.

Dan Shapiro announced that he would be Barack's political advisor and strategist. This was important because it went along with Barack's desire to deliver many speeches to emphasize his devotion to Israel. Twelve days after the general election, President Elect Barack Obama resigned from the US Senate. Governor Rod Blagojevich, of Illinois, will appoint somebody to replace Obama.   
Read More Biography of Barack Obama

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln Biography

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky, USA, where his father worked as a carpenter. He has lost his mother at an early age, then her father remarried. But Lincoln and his sister had loved his stepmother.

Lincoln's little boy grew into a tall and strapping. Her clothes always never seemed fitting. Always felt short-sleeve and pants always hang above the ankle. When observed, it seems he does not deserve to be big in the future, which turned out to be realized.
Lincoln Slavery was first seen, was when he was hired to carry the cargo transport ship bound for New Orleans in 1828. Then, when he visited the city for the second time, he vowed to himself that he must remove the practice of slavery.

Lincoln did not follow such education in general, but he was keen to learn reading and writing to successfully become a lawyer. Although sometimes he is regarded as a 'gay' by the neighbors because behavior and way of dresses, but he was flexible enough to local people. This is simply because he has an outstanding sense of humor and always make others happy. First fell in love with a woman named Anne Rutledge, a neighbor child innkeeper where he lived. Anne's father was the one who suggested that Lincoln entered politics.

At the beginning of his career, Lincoln was elected to Parliament for the area of Illinois in 1834. Then re-elected in 1838 and 1840. At that time, he met a man named Stephen Douglas, who later become rivals both in terms of love and political affairs. Mary Todd, the woman who they fighting, came from Kentucky, chose Lincoln as husband, but they are not happy pernikahn. In 1842, after a year of their marriage, Lincoln opened a firm with a friend named William H. Herndon. Friendship these two men apparently persisted until the end of Life of Lincoln. In later days, Herndon was the one who wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln.

In 1846, Lincoln was elected to Congress. However membership is not renewed because he was proposing legislation to end slavery in the District of Columbia. Disappointed, he returned to enable his firm. He stopped his political activities for some time, but then he is better known by the public as an honest lawyer.

In fact, Lincoln could not stop for too long from the political world. In 1854, the issue of slavery made him jump back into politics. Taampaknya he had to compete with Stephen Douglas, who tried to subdue the South Americans who supported slavery, while the North opposed it. Lincoln did not expect that half of the country maintained the practice of slavery as opposed to half-brother of fellow countrymen. He was thinking, no nation may consist of half slave half instead. However, Lincoln was hit in the first round against Douglas, in getting the U.S. Senate seat.

Although this time he lost, in May 1860, Lincoln was elected as a Republican presidential candidate. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party all-out attack, and they call it a 'lawyer beans', 'incompetent to speak English' and so forth. But ultimately, he was elected President of the United States. Four days after he became President, Southern states were out of the Federation of American States. Southern states were later formed a confederacy itself. Lincoln felt sad for him, and tried to seek an end to the separation. However, the conflict between North and South was even more heightened and became the Civil War. Lincoln continues to try to stop the conflict despite his best to no avail.

To understand the political background of the American Civil War, have described how the origin of America was formed. In the 17th century, migrants from the British, French, Spanish, Dutch and Germans came to North America, which they regard as a new uninhabited land they found. They came in search of prosperity, freedom of religion, as well as to expand the power of their home country and build a new empire. UK and then apply its laws there, so that new land they called New England. After the war of American independence, free territories were then formed a federation, which they call the United States. Each new federation was agreed to keep taking care of their own government, although they also have to deal with common interests. Because, things like Defense remains a common affair.

The southern part of the American who joined the federation, developing their agricultural workers who depend on slavery. The northern part more dependent on trade and industry, although agriculture remains important regard. Because there was no slavery in the north. Meanwhile, the issue of slavery became a hot issue for the new region to join the United, while the people in these states have not fully prepared with the issue of slavery. Meanwhile, American laws declared all men are equally entitled to the 'life and liberty to gain happiness', but also protects private property rights. Slaves are private. Opinion that the slave is private property are contrary to other opinions that the slave is Man who also owns the rights to independence. This is the basic problem for people all over the U.S. territory.

Actually, many aspects that can be seen from this issue. First, what is an enslaved human too right? Today, slavery is not justified in many other countries around the world. Everyone agrees that clearly is not justified to curb the freedom of others. But the southern people have been spending a lot of money to purchase slaves. Social life, economic, political and they walked on the basis of ownership of slaves. So, really not difficult to understand how important the practice of slavery for them.

There is also a political side in slave ownership problems for countries in the South. How to run a 'Union States' when some of the region consists of the 'people-free' while others are 'slaves'? Although, this is a desirable competitor Lincoln, Douglas. Clearly, countries in the South worry if more and more territory Federation of the 'so-free', then slavery would be abolished completely. They think if this happens, they will go bankrupt, both socially and politically. The only solution may have to form two separate federal. But even this proved impossible.

Shortly after Lincoln was elected President, the South withdrew from the federation. On April 12, 1861, the South attacked the North in the town of Fort Sunter. Civil War or the 'war between the states federation' has begun.

There are great differences between North and South. In the northern area of skin more white population. They are more advanced in the field of production of goods while the South is better in agriculture. In many cases, exceed the North South, Southern military although very skilled, real war occurs more frequently in the South. Although they are better in terms of fighting. War is not easy for them to win. As we know, after several assaults, the North won the war. As the war progresses, Lincoln, still urged the holding of another election at the end of the period he served as President, and it turns out he was re-elected for another term.

In November 1863, in the battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln delivered a speech, which is remembered throughout history. He said "... was born a new nation, founded on freedom that upholds the recognition that all men are created equal." The words of Lincoln at Gettysburg gives two principles of freedom and equality - which is the basis of the American establishment.

Lincoln died in a way that unexpected. We are witnessing the theater with his wife, he was shot by a fellow named John Wilkes Booth. Pick her death, when peace has come to America. Maybe it is the culmination of events that must occur as tumbal end slavery in America. After his death, Lincoln was known as a great man, and the ideals that have been established to uphold continue to be maintained by all Americans.
Read More Biography of Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Biography

Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky. The elder of two boys, he was named after his father, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Sr., who was named for the 19th century abolitionist and politician of the same name. His father painted billboards and signs, and his mother, Odessa Grady Clay, was a household domestic. Although Cassius Sr. was a Methodist, he allowed Odessa to bring up both Cassius and his younger brother Rudolph "Rudy" Clay (later renamed Rahman Ali) as Baptists. He is a descendant of pre-Civil War era American slaves in the American South, and is predominantly of African-American descent with Irish and English ancestry.
Clay was first directed toward boxing by the white Louisville police officer and boxing coach Joe E. Martin, who encountered the 12-year-old fuming over the theft of his bicycle. However, without Martin's knowledge, Clay also began training with Fred Stoner, an African-American trainer working at the local community center. In this way, Clay could make $4 a week on Tomorrow's Champions, a local, weekly TV show that Martin hosted, while benefiting from the coaching of the more experienced Stoner, who continued working with Clay throughout his amateur career.

Under Stoner's guidance, Cassius Clay won six Kentucky Golden Gloves titles, two national Golden Gloves titles, an Amateur Athletic Union National Title, and the Light Heavyweight gold medal in the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. Clay's amateur record was 100 wins with five losses.

Ali states (in his 1975 autobiography) that he threw his Olympic gold medal into the Ohio River after being refused service at a 'whites-only' restaurant, and fighting with a white gang. Whether this is true is still debated, although he was given a replacement medal at a basketball intermission during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, where he lit the torch to start the games.
Read More Biography of Muhammad Ali

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